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发布时间:2020-11-02 作者: 英语查

arenaceous 是什么意思


resembling or containing or abounding in sand; or growing in sandy areas; "arenaceous limestone"; "arenaceous grasses"
同义词:sandy, sandlike,


1.The fauna in the joli fou consists of bivalves and arenaceous forams .

2.Arenaceous conglomeratic facies

3.Arenaceous pelitic facies

4.The bank on the net of the construction bank provides this service , whether does the bank inside the king arenaceous boiler that i think to know work goes also provide this service

5.In the research area , the incised valley was formed during the sea level downwards and was provided source by the arenaceous river from qiaotou . it is stacked by 3 incised valleys formed in 3 different sequences

6.Sample ' s analyses and tests in laboratory , this thesis makes a detailed research on holocene deposits characteristics of mu us desert , especially on characteristics of grain size composition , which break through previous description of determining the nature and gain a series of number indexes . at the same time , this thesis has also researched arenaceous source on every part of mu us . firstly mu us desert ' s forming process is deeply influenced by the east asian monsoon , the grain size gradually becomes smaller , while the magnetic susceptibility becomes larger from northwest to southeast this phenomenon not only appears on the surface of mu us , but also obviously reflects on the same layer of different places
根据大量野外详细考察和室内样品分析与测试,本文对毛乌素沙地全新世地层沉积特征做了细致的探讨,尤其对区域地层的粒度组成特征做了进一步的研究,突破了以往的定性描述,得出了一系列量化指标;结合野外的考察工作,对其不同地区的沙质来源做了详细分析,主要得出以下结论: 1 、毛乌素沙地形成过程深受东亚季风影响,粒度自西北向东南逐渐变细、磁化率值逐渐变大。

7.Therdly because of the influence of terrain and geological structure , arenaceous resources of different regions are different in mu us . sands are mainly from riverway in northwest ; from efflorescent cretaceous sandstone on account of higher topography in the middle part of mu us ; and sands resources are intricated in southeast , mainly including riverway sands , sands blown by the wind and embedded sands under so
3 、毛乌素沙地因受地形和地质构造影响,不同区域的砂质来源情况不尽相同,西北部地区主要为河道沙;中部地区地势较高,为白垩系基岩裸露而风化成沙;东南部地区沙质来源情况复杂,主要有:现代河道砂、风积沙、也有埋藏在现代壤土之下的出露古沙。

8.The first power station of jinping mountain lies in the west section of the yanglongjiang river from santan to shoupagou gully , with a double - curved arch dam of 305 - meter height and a normal water storage of 1880metres . the exposed strata of the damsite are marbles and arenaceous rocks of triassic and solution fissures have been developed in the marbles of the left - bank ' s dam abutment , and they have become a stratum of strong leakage . as a result , it has been an important problem for the dam foundation to stop leakage

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