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发布时间:2020-11-17 作者: 英语查

astraddle 是什么意思


跨。 stand astraddle 两脚分开站着。

跨着。 sit astraddle a horse 跨在马上。
with one leg on each side; "she sat astride the chair"
同义词:astride, astride,

with one leg on each side; "she sat astride the chair"
同义词:astride, astride,


1.I lost no time . chucked my coat up to the wall and was sitting astraddle before i knew where i was

2.I lost no time . chucked my coat up to the wall and was sitting astraddle before i knew where i was

3.But pretty soon he struggled up astraddle and grabbed the bridle , a - reeling this way and that ; and the next minute he sprung up and dropped the bridle and stood

4.On the road tom he told me all about how it was reckoned i was murdered , and how pap disappeared pretty soon , and didn t come back no more , and what a stir there was when jim run away ; and i told tom all about our royal nonesuch rapscallions , and as much of the raft voyage as i had time to ; and as we struck into the town and up through the - here comes a raging rush of people with torches , and an awful whooping and yelling , and banging tin pans and blowing horns ; and we jumped to one side to let them go by ; and as they went by i see they had the king and the duke astraddle of a rail - that is , i knowed it was the king and the duke , though they was all over tar and feathers , and didn t look like nothing in the world that was human - just looked like a couple of monstrous big soldier - plumes

上一篇: astonishing是什么意思

下一篇: astrionics是什么意思
