| 1. | The planes were dwindling in the distance . 飞机在远处越来越小。
| 2. | Inflation has soared while productivity has dwindled . 通货膨胀上升,同时生产率下降。
| 3. | The real business of the fair had considerably dwindled . 集市的真正交易,大大削减了。
| 4. | Failing health dwindled ambition . 体弱雄心减。
| 5. | The guests began to leave, the party dwindled down . 客人们开始走了,留下来的人已寥寥无己。
| 6. | Her husband grows rich in crime, her significance dwindles . 她的丈夫罪恶累累,她的形象也受到损害。
| 7. | Meggie followed the dwindling forms of her brothers at a run . 麦琪奔跑着追赶哥哥们逐渐缩小的背影。
| 8. | After 1366 the english language ordained in them dwindled away . 1366年以后,法定的英语就越来越不景气了。
| 9. | Mcteague's affection for his wife was dwindling a little every day . 麦克梯格对他老婆的爱却一天一天慢慢淡下来了。
| 10. | It offers an alternative to the dwindling supplies of natural gas . 这一过程为正在减少中的天然气供应提供了另外的来源。