| 1. | Captain loft put his equipment on rapidly . 洛夫特上尉既刻带上了武器。
| 2. | Loft was rigid and cold and military . 洛夫特是刚强冷酷而又遵守军纪的。
| 3. | Captain loft gathered his papers . 洛夫特上尉收起了他的公文。
| 4. | We need the steps to get into the loft . 我们上阁楼要用楼梯。
| 5. | He slept in a loft as a boy . 他小时候睡在阁楼上。
| 6. | Captain loft was as much a captain as one can imagine . 我们理想中的上尉所应有的一切,洛夫特上尉都有了。
| 7. | He lofts it into the air, and hugs his head in the deep secret embrace . 他抬手甩了出去,然后赶忙把头紧紧的抱了个密不透风。
| 8. | Loft drew himself up and said formally, "i have just relieved captain bentick, as the colonel ordered. " 洛夫特振作了一下,很有礼貌地说:“我按着上校的命令,刚刚接了本蒂克上尉的班。”
| 9. | Prackle looked at him mutinously and was about to speak when captain loft said, "that's an order, lieutenant. " 普雷克尔象要反抗似地看着他,正要开口说话时,洛夫特上尉说:“中尉,这是命令啊!”
| 10. | If our readers will accompany us up to a little loft over the stable they may, perhaps, learn a little of his affairs . 但是如果读者诸君愿意随我到马厩的楼上一间小阁楼里走走的话,也许可以了解一点他的情况。