| 1. | This logic was not perhaps irresistible . 这种主张并不是驳不倒的。
| 2. | I am also taking argumentation and logic . 我也学辩证和逻辑学。
| 3. | There's not always logic to these things . 这类事并无一定之规。
| 4. | Logic favoured the tunipah project . 按逻辑应该修建图尼帕工程。
| 5. | Another aspect of the logic requires comment . 这个推理还有另一点需要说明。
| 6. | His thinking goes against all logic . 他的思维违背所有逻辑。
| 7. | Nature's logic was too horrid . 天公的逻辑这样令人可怕。
| 8. | The logic of this was weird to say the least . 至少可以说,这个逻辑推理是奇怪的。
| 9. | He was no slavish admirer of logic . 他不盲目崇拜逻辑。
| 10. | Logic is taught here as a separate subject . 逻辑学在这里是作为单独一门课来讲授的。