| 1. | He had been made the scapegoat for all the failures of the luftwaffe . 他就是德国空军各次败绩的替罪羊。
| 2. | This was just an absurd excuse for the failures of the luftwaffe in the east . 这正是德国空军在东方失利的一个荒唐借口。
| 3. | The germans kept claiming that luftwaffe was attacking only military targets . 那些德国人始终扬言他们的空军只袭击军事目标。
| 4. | "okay, that's a thousand miles from brest," said pug. "sell outside the luftwaffe air umbrella. " “成啦,那里离布列斯特有一千哩,”帕格说,“远在德国空军的保护伞之外了。”
| 5. | Every available soldier in the berlin area was to be thrown into the attack, including the luftwaffe ground troops . 柏林地区凡是能够搜罗到的一兵一卒,包括德国空军地面部队,都必须全部投入战斗。
| 6. | It was only awarded 28 times , with the majority going to luftwaffe pilots 它只被颁发了28枚,多数是空军飞行员。
| 7. | Determined to decimate british air strength , the luftwaffe forces the raf into the air 要夺取英伦便非要重创威震四方的皇家空军不可。
| 8. | Luftwaffe ground forces are light combat troops also capable of constructing simple defenses and aa weapons 空军地勤部队是具有制造简单防御工事和防空武器能力的轻步兵。
| 9. | " okay , that ' s a thousand miles from brest , " said pug . " sell outside the luftwaffe air umbrella . “成啦,那里离布列斯特有一千哩, ”帕格说, “远在德国空军的保护伞之外了。 ”
| 10. | Fitted between the arms of the cross were four luftwaffe flying eagles carrying a swastika , a tribute to all the airmen who made up almost 70 percent of the legion 由于空军几乎占军团的百分之七十,所以在十字勋章胳膊之间装配了四只老鹰抓万字飞行的图样。