中文翻译与英英解释 | vt. (-shot; -shooting) 1.比…更有效地射击。 2.射出。 vi. 突出,伸出。 n. 1.射击;突然或迅速的突出或伸出。 2.突出物,伸出物。 3.【棒球】曲线球〔早期用语〕。
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例句与用法 | 1. | Farmar scored all of his five points in the final quarter . the lakers also outrebounded the bulls , 12 - 7 , in the fourth and outshot them , 52 . 6 percent to 50 percent 砝码在最后一节得到了他的全部5分,湖人的篮板12 - 7 ,而且命中率52 . 6 %也高过对手的50 % 。
| | 2. | They managed to hold on to the lead and they outshot the hosts 40 - 24 , but at the end every chinese shot was dangerous as the estonians more and more lost composure ( 镇静 ) 他们勉强保持领先优势,与对手的射门次数比是40 : 24 ,但是,在比赛的后半程中国队的每一次射门都极具威协性,而爱沙尼亚队则越来越大乱方寸。
| | 3. | Like in its other first - round games against group d opponents brazil and denmark , the underdog new zealand squad ' s scrappy defense held off repeated scoring drives . china outshot new zealand 22 - 5 本场比赛新西兰虽然落败,但是和在d组小组赛中对阵巴西和丹麦一样,防守顽强,阻挡中国队的多次进攻。中、新两队射门次数是22 5 。
| | 4. | Mario hoops 3 on 3 in the united states , this unique sports game features mario , luigi , princess peach , bowser , wario , yoshi , donkey kong , and so many more of your favorite characters as they try to outdribble , outshoot , and outscore each other Mario bastket 3 on 3乃是一款以篮球比赛为主题游戏,玩家可以操纵玛利奥系列的角色,进行刺激的3对3篮球比赛。