| 1. | "i am reading the "agricultural chemistry"," said this excellent baronet . “我正在读《农业化学》,”这位风度翩翩的从男爵说。
| 2. | So that the baronet and his brother had every reason which two brothers possibly can have for being by the ears . 这样看来,从男爵和他弟弟在各方面都有理由成为冤家对头。
| 3. | The baronet thrust the frame back at the sergeant and darted into the closet and began rummaging on the floor . 准男爵把这个画框塞还给警官,飞快跑进壁橱,开始在地板上乱翻乱扒。
| 4. | "what's brought you here?" growled altamont, looking sternly from under his heavy eyebrows at the baronet . 阿尔塔芝铁板着脸,从那对浓眉毛下瞪着男爵,粗声粗气地喝道:“你来干什么?”
| 5. | If he was a baronet then simon ' s " sir simon . 如果他是个男爵西蒙就应该是“西蒙先生”了
| 6. | Was sir william a knight or baronet 威廉先生是个骑士还是个男爵?
| 7. | " sir pitt is not what you and i would think a baronet should be “毕脱先生并不是你我想象中那样的男爵
| 8. | That is if knights were baronets - which they be “我是说,如果骑士是从男爵的话它们本来就是一样的呀。
| 9. | His father was a baronet , and his mother had been a viscount s daughter 他的父亲是个男爵,母亲是个子爵的女儿。
| 10. | Baronets with 12 thousand a year cannot be married off the hooks 每年有12 , 000镑收入的从男爵是不能随随便便地结婚的。