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发布时间:2020-12-21 作者: 英语查

baronne 是什么意思


〔法语〕 男爵夫人。


1.It was the eldest daughter of the baronne de fougeray , who , under stress of an irresistible vocation , had just entered the carmelite convent

2.The count left his box , and a moment later was saluting the baronne danglars , who could not restrain a cry of mingled pleasure and surprise . " you are welcome , count !
伯爵离开了他的包厢,立刻向腾格拉尔夫人这儿走来,后者简直是情感交集,按捺不住地叫道: “欢迎,伯爵阁下! ”

3.Then he double - locked his door , emptied all his drawers , collected about fifty thousand francs in bank - notes , burned several papers , left others exposed to view , and then commenced writing a letter which he addressed : " to madame la baronne danglars .
他把房门上闩落锁,把他所有的抽屉,凑了大约莫五万法郎的钞票,烧了一些文件,其余的让它堆在那儿,然后开始写一封信,信封上写着“腾格拉尔男爵夫人启。 ”

4.Es , which had already assumed that palace - like appearance which the count s princely fortune enabled him to give even to his most temporary residences . he came to renew the thanks of madame danglars which had been already conveyed to the count through the medium of a letter , signed " baronne danglars , nee hermine de servieux .
阿尔贝是来替腾格拉尔夫人再表谢忱的,男爵夫人自己已写信向伯爵道了一次谢,信上的署名为“腾格拉尔男爵夫人,母亲家姓名:爱米娜萨尔维欧” 。

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