| 1. | It 's all over bar ( but ) the shouting . 场赛终止,只是呼喊声不绝。
| 2. | Poke food through the bars of a cage . 把食物从笼子的栏杆间塞进去。
| 3. | A iron bar is solid , a pipe is hollow . 铁条是实心的,管子是空心的。
| 4. | She will be judged at the bar of public opinion . 她将受到舆论的制裁。
| 5. | Lonand and tom shawn were tending bar . 洛那德和汤姆肖恩照管着柜台。
| 6. | Does the bar ice the champagne before serving ? 那家酒巴有冰镇香槟吗?
| 7. | The uniform portion of the bar is 60in. long . 杆的均匀部分为60英寸长。
| 8. | He jumped three inches clear of the bar . 他以超过3英寸的高度跳过竿去。
| 9. | There was a cleared space around the bar . 柜台附近腾出一块空地。
| 10. | We see that this implies tension in bars 1 and 3 . 这说明杆1和杆3受拉。