| 1. | Why didn ' t harry talk parseltongue to the basilisk 为什么哈利没有用蛇老腔对蛇怪说话呢?
| 2. | Not a spell so much as a magical effect , caused by seeing the reflected eyes of a basilisk 同看到蛇怪眼睛产生的魔法效果不甚相同的咒语。
| 3. | Stephen withstood the bane of miscreant eyes , glinting stern under wrinkled brows . a basilisk 斯蒂芬忍受着在皱起的眉毛下,严厉地闪着邪光的那双眼睛的剧毒。
| 4. | Tom opens the chamber of secrets and releases the basilisk into the school . several students are injured and one ( myrtle ) is killed 汤姆开启密室,将蛇怪放入学校。数名学生受伤,一名(桃金娘)死亡。
| 5. | This diary , of course , is the one riddle later turned into a horcrux - and which harry destroyed with the fang of the basilisk ( hbp23 ) (密室第13章)当然,这本日记日后被里德尔变成了他其中的一个魂器,不过被哈利用蛇怪的獠牙给摧毁了。
| 6. | This diary , of course , is the one riddle later turned into a horcrux - and which harry destroyed with the fang of the basilisk ( hbp23 ) 当然,这就是那本后来被里德尔变成了他一个魂器的日记,也是哈利用蛇怪的獠牙毁掉的那本日记(王子第二十三章) 。
| 7. | The male can be distinguished from the female by the scarlet plume on its head , but basilisks are usually magically rather than normally bred 分别雌雄蛇怪的方法是雄蛇怪的头顶有一撮猩红颜色的冠毛,不过蛇怪通常都是靠魔法而不是配种而繁殖出来的。
| 8. | June . tom lures harry to the chamber and challenges him but is defeated when harry destroys both the basilisk and the diary ( cs17 ) 1993年6月,汤姆引诱哈利来到密室,要和他对决。但是哈利杀死了蛇怪,也毁了日记本。汤姆败给了哈利(密室,第17章) 。
| 9. | A basilisk can live for at least 900 years given an adequate food supply , and as it can eat most vertebrates ( including humans ) , this is not difficult to achieve 只要有足够的食物,蛇怪的寿命至少有九百年,而凡是脊椎动物(包括人在内)它们都可以吃,因此这点很容易做到。
| 10. | Basilisk - breeding has been outlawed since medieval times and in the present day falls under the ban on experimental breeding , but this law has rarely been broken even by dark wizards , since only a parselmouth can control a basilisk 早在中古时期,繁殖蛇怪就已经是非法的行为,到了现在,这已经被写入《禁止为试验而驯养动物》里,但这个法律,即使是黑巫师也不经常违背,因为能够控制蛇怪的人只有蛇佬腔。