中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.板〔通常指宽4英寸半以上厚2英寸半以下者〕,木板;纸板。 2.(广告)牌;(棋)盘;〔口语〕配电盘(等)。 3.〔pl.〕 【戏剧】舞台。 4.餐桌;食物;伙食;〔有时指〕膳宿。 5.会议桌;会议;全体委员;委员会;部,厅,局,管理处。 6.船的甲板;舷,舷侧;船内;车内。 7.〔废语〕边;海岸。 短语和例子 cloth boards (书籍的)布面精装。 a remote control board 遥控盘,遥控台。 a board for checkers 棋盘。 a piece of board 一块板。 a groaning board 盛宴,丰盛的饭菜。 a bulletin board 布告牌。 board and lodging 膳宿。 board of directors 理事会,董事长。 above board 光明正大。 board and [by, on] board (船)并排。 Board of Education 〔英国〕教育部〔现改名 the Ministry of Education〕; board of education (一般的)教育委员会;〔美国〕(各州、县、市管理中小学的)教育管理委员会。 board of equalization 〔美国〕税率调查委员会。 Board of Trade 〔英国〕商业部; 〔b- of t-〕 〔美国〕商会;芝加哥市农产品交易所。 by the board 在舷外,越过舷边,(由船上)向海中。 come on board 回船。 fall on board = run on board. fall over board 从船上掉落水中。 free on board 【商业】船上交货,离岸价格(略作 FOB 或 f.o.b.)。 go by the board (桅杆)折断落于船外;破产;(努力等)落空;(计划)成泡影,失败。 go on the boards 当演员。 have [take] ... on board 载有,装有。 lay a ship on board 使船靠拢(他船)。 make short boards 【航海】常常逆风斜进。 on board 1. 在船上,在船[飞机]中 (on board the plane 在飞机上);〔美国〕在车上 (go [get]on board乘船,乘车)。 2. 【棒球】〔口语〕出垒。 on the boards 登台,做演员。 on even board with 与…齐舷并进;在和…同条件下。 run on board (of another ship) 1. 撞着(别船)。 2. 攻击。 sweep the board 赢得全部赌注,通吃;全胜。 tread the boards = walk the boards = go on the boards. vt. 1.用板铺〔盖、围、堵〕上。 2.为…提供膳食〔包饭〕;使寄膳;〔美国〕寄养(马)。 3.上(船),坐(船);〔美国〕搭(车);乘(飞机)。 4.攻入(敌船等);强行靠近(敌船等)。 board over a well 用木板做井栏。 They boarded him for $ 40 a week. 他们按每周收费40美元给他包伙。 The pirate ship boarded the clipper. 海盗船强行靠近快艇。 vi. 1.寄膳,搭伙,包饭。 2.【航海】逆风斜进。 短语和例子 board around 【美术】轮餐〔教员轮流在学生家吃饭〕。 board at (so much a week) (每周)给膳费(若干)。 board in 在寄宿处寄膳。 board out 在外面寄膳。 board over 用木板铺上(围住)。 board up 用板钉上〔围上〕 (board up the door 把门用板钉上)。
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| a flat piece of material designed for a special purpose; "he nailed boards across the windows"
| | a flat portable surface (usually rectangular) designed for board games; "he got out the board and set up the pieces" 同义词:gameboard,
| | a printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer''s capabilities 同义词:circuit board, circuit card, card, plug-in, add-in,
| | electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices; "he checked the instrument panel"; "suddenly the board lit up like a Christmas tree" 同义词:control panel, instrument panel, control board, panel,
| | a table at which meals are served; "he helped her clear the dining table"; "a feast was spread upon the board" 同义词:dining table,
| | a vertical surface on which information can be displayed to public view 同义词:display panel, display board,
| | food or meals in general; "she sets a fine table"; "room and board" 同义词:table,
| | a committee having supervisory powers; "the board has seven members"
| | a stout length of sawn timber; made in a wide variety of sizes and used for many purposes 同义词:plank,
| provide food and lodging (for); "The old lady is boarding three men"
| | lodge and take meals (at)
| | get on board of (trains, buses, ships, aircraft, etc.) 同义词:get on,
| | live and take one''s meals at or in; "she rooms in an old boarding house" 同义词:room,
例句与用法 | 1. | His conduct has been entirely above board . 他的行为一切都是公开的。
| | 2. | Flight ba 193 for paris is now boarding 乘飞往巴黎的BA193现在登机了。
| | 3. | His business dealings were above board . 他的生意来往是光明正大的。
| | 4. | There was a television camera crew on board . 机上有个电视摄制组。
| | 5. | He receives wages plus room and board . 他除工资外还享受膳宿待遇。
| | 6. | 32 dominoes can cover the whole chess board . 32张骨牌能盖住整个棋盘。
| | 7. | I have to get back to the drawing board . 我必须重新考虑这个计划。
| | 8. | Everything's above board here tonight . 今儿晚上在这里,什么都得公开。
| | 9. | He temerariously criticized the board chairman . 他鲁莽地批评了董事长。
| | 10. | It dropped onto the board with a clatter . 那东西啪地掉在棋盘上。