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发布时间:2020-11-17 作者: 英语查

brewage 是什么意思


drink made by steeping and boiling and fermenting rather than distilling


1.It can be applied to the automatic packaging of liquid materials in the areas of food , brewage pharmacy and chemical industries

2.It can be applied to the automatic packaging of liquid materials in the areas of food , brewage pharmacy and chemical industries

3.And they teach the serpents there to entwine themselves up on long sticks out of the ground and of the scales of these serpents they brew out a brewage like to mead

4.Unique beer brewing on the spot : the fest brew house of shanghai bund brewage co . ltd is a food and drinking house which has the style of european restaurants and bars
独特的现酿啤酒? ?外滩啤酒总汇“菲斯特啤酒坊”是一家集欧式餐厅及酒吧为一体的餐饮场所。

5.The common technology of producing flavoring is brewage , ferment or unite deploy technology , the production cycle is relatively long , the product quality is wayward

6.Applicable for urban environment , construction , fire control , chemical industry , pharmacy , dye , brewage , power electricity , plating , paper making , washing of industrial mines , cooling of equipment , etc

7.General jia ruoyu inspected yongxingcheng brewage co . , ltd . and surveyed the production process of 5 : 1 sauce and shaomin mountain vinegar , gave high praise and wrote calligraphy with pleasure
贾若瑜将军在合江县委领导及酿造厂工作人员的陪同下视察、参观“五比一”酱油、 “少岷山”食醋的生产过程,给予了极高的评价,并欣然提词。

8.Our distillery had fully explored the chinese millennium traditional technologies of wine brewage , the wine used microbes in 100 - year - old cellar to cause natural fermentation , it has the characteristics of aromatic flavour , soft and sweet taste , harmonious aroma and long aftertaste

9.The cultivation enterprise first founded by li fucheng with a loan of 5000 rmb 20 years ago has now developed into a large comprehensive corporation , fucheng corporation ? a body of backbone enterprises of beef cattle cultivation , butchering and processing , fodder production , white wine brewage , cooked food processing , real estate development , beverage production , hotels and repast service , etc , which is doubtlessly a wonder
李福成先生二十年前从贷款5000元起家创办养殖企业,二十年后的今天已经发展成为集肉牛饲养、屠宰加工、饲料生产、白酒酿造、熟食加工、房地产开发、饮料生产、酒店和餐饮服务等支柱企业为一体的大型综合企业? ?福成集团,无疑是一个奇迹。

10.Various oil field petroleum drilling machines , escalator , automobile building , metallurgy , mines , chemical industry , foodstuff and drink machine , beer brewage , flour production , tobacco machinery , textile , papermaking , glass production , packing , machinery , wood materil processing , cement manufacture , channel machinery , metal processing machinery , mining machanics , indoor parking equipment , ship , print , port machinery , non - road transportation vehicles and transportation etc

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