| 1. | We do have buttermilk . 我们确有酪乳。
| 2. | Determination of the density of buttermilk serum 酪乳乳清浓度的测定
| 3. | And his mouth tasted just iike buttermilk 他的嘴闻起来就像酸奶
| 4. | Hydrometer for density measurement of buttermilk serum , calibrated 经校准的酪乳浆密度测量比重计
| 5. | That buttermilk didn t agree with me 那脱脂奶不合我的口味。
| 6. | Homemade buttermilk biscuits 自治的酸奶脆饼干。
| 7. | Homemade buttermilk biscuits 自制的酸奶饼。
| 8. | Check the expiration date on the package to ensure that the buttermilk is fresh 检查外包装的截止日期,以保证白脱牛奶是新鲜的。
| 9. | Skimmed milk , whey and buttermilk - determination of fat content - gravimetric method reference method 脱脂乳乳清和乳酪.脂肪含量的测定.重量分析法
| 10. | Skimmed milk , whey and buttermilk - determination of fat content - gravimetric method reference method 脱脂乳乳清和乳酪.脂肪含量的测定.重量分析法