| 1. | Early lesions can be successfully treated with irradiation or cautery and curettage . 早期病变可以有效地用放射线或烧灼术和刮除术来治疗。
| 2. | Eye fiberlight guide cautery 眼用光导纤维电灼器
| 3. | Intraurethral cautery electrode 尿道内电灼电极
| 4. | Retinal detachment cautery 视网膜剥离电灼器
| 5. | Dento - electric cautery 牙用电烙器
| 6. | Treatment includes application of topical ointment , cautery , cryosurgery or surgery 治疗方法包括外敷、电灼、冷冻或外科手术。
| 7. | Electric cautery set 电热烧灼器
| 8. | Rectal cautery clamp 直肠电灼夹
| 9. | Because the cautery is deep usually , it ' s hard to see the forging handiwork from surface . in addition , personally , it ' s hard to do component analysis 由于腐蚀一般都比较深,因此从表面上很难看出锻打工艺.另私人也难搞成分分析啊
| 10. | If it is focused . so the boiloff and cautery of focus tissue can be used in the therapy . also if it isn t focused , the laser radiating focus tissue can bring about concretion effect 激光治疗仪的发散角极小,能量密度高,经聚焦后,可达每平方厘米几千瓦的功率, co2激光治疗仪可用于对病灶组织的汽化,烧灼或切割病灶组织,所以co2激光治疗仪也称谓激光刀。