| 1. | The cavalcade drew together in silence . 马队在静默中靠拢在一起。
| 2. | The gates of the drive opened wide to give egress to the vice - regal cavalcade . - even money , lenehan said returning 为了让总督出行的车马经过,车道109前的大门敞开了。
| 3. | Although hale woman hand is taken , plow v hoe cultivate , the crops in tian tu also grows nothing cavalcade 即使有健壮的妇女手拿锄犁耕种,田土里的庄稼也长得没有东西行列。
| 4. | The cavalcade , following the sweep of the drive , quickly turned the angle of the house , and i lost sight of it 这队人马顺着车道的弯势很快转过屋角,在我视线中消失了。这时阿黛勒要求下楼。
| 5. | At the siege of ross did my father fall . a cavalcade in easy trot along pembroke quay passed , outriders leaping , leaping in their , in their saddles 一队车马从从容容地走边彭布罗克码头147 ,骑在马上簇拥着车辆的侍卫们,在鞍上颠簸着,颠簸着。
| 6. | Over against dame gate tom rochford and nosey flynn watched the approach of the cavalcade . tom rochford , seeing the eyes of lady dudley on him , took his thumbs quickly out of the pockets of his claret waistcoat and doffed his cap to her 汤姆罗赤福特发现达德利夫人两眼盯着他,就连忙把插在紫红色背心兜里的两个大拇指伸出来,摘下便帽给她深打一躬。
| 7. | Ra l and roberto carlos are still there but neither was a p rez summer signing brought to the capital by private jet and military cavalcade ; neither represented galacticism quite like the englishman 劳尔和罗伯特?卡洛斯虽然还在,但他们都不是弗洛伦蒂诺用私人飞机和仪仗队迎接到西班牙首都来的球员,他们不能像小贝这个英格兰人那样代表银河巨星主义的理念。
| 8. | Like a breath of fresh country air rushing into a stuffy room through an open window was the youth , energy , and confidence of success that the cavalcade of brilliant young people brought with them into kutuzovs cheerless staff 这些疾驰而至的出色的青年,使那闷闷不乐的库图佐夫的司令部焕发出青春活力和对胜利的自信,正如一股田野的清新空气忽然被吹进令人窒闷的房间一样。
| 9. | And he felt it not only from the sound of the tramping hoofs of the approaching cavalcade , he felt it because as the tsar came nearer everything grew brighter , more joyful and significant , and more festive 他所以具有这样的感觉,不仅仅因为他听见渐渐驰近的骑行者的得得的马蹄声,而且因为随着国王的驾临,他的四遭显得更加亮堂,更加欢快,更加富有重大意义,而且更加带有节日的气氛。
| 10. | I looked up through the smoke of my cigarette and my eye lodged for a moment upon the burning coals , and that old fancy of the crimson flag flapping from the castle tower came into my mind , and i thought of the cavalcade of red knights riding up the side of the black rock 我透过香烟的烟雾望过去,眼光在火红的炭块上停留了一下,过去关于在城堡塔楼上飘扬着一面鲜红的旗帜的幻觉又浮现在我脑际,我想到无数红色骑士潮水般地骑马跃上黑色岩壁的侧坡。