中文翻译与英英解释 | CMEA,C.M.E.A. = Council for Mutual Economic Assistance [Aid]经济互助委员会〔简称“经互会”〕。
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例句与用法 | 1. | Cmea members have reverted to separate bilateral deals with lip service to multilateralism . 经互会成员国只是口头上侈谈多边贸易,实际上却已回复到各族的双边交易。
| | 2. | Council for mutual economic aid , cmea 经济互助委员会
| | 3. | The enlightenment of the eu ' s prosperity and the cmea ' s winding - up for the development of regional economic organizations 欧盟与经互会的兴亡对区域性经济组织发展的启示