| 1. | Man has been intrigued with blood coagulation . 人类一直对血凝感兴趣。
| 2. | Unlike charges enhance coagulation . 异性电荷使凝聚增加。
| 3. | Coagulation is often invoked to explain these variations . 经常用凝聚作用来解释这种变化。
| 4. | The more intense the source the more rapid the coagulation ensues . 源越强,随后发生的凝聚越迅速。
| 5. | Encounters of like charges act to diminish the coagulation rate . 同性带电粒子间的碰撞作用减少凝聚率。
| 6. | The huge pool of blood in front of her was already assuming the iridescence of coagulation . 她面前那一滩血,已经凝结了起来,显出五光十色。
| 7. | Airborne particles can also be changed in size and shape by coagulation with each other . 空气中悬浮的粒子,由于相互凝聚也会在大小和形状方面发生变化。
| 8. | The process of particle coagulation is handled by precisely the same method as condensational growth . 粒子的凝聚过程与凝结增长是用完全相同的方法处理的。
| 9. | Coagulation of such systems requires rather drastic treatment with massive doses of coagulant salts . 凝聚这种体系时需要用大量凝结剂盐类进行相当激烈的处理。
| 10. | The second process is typical of the traditional coagulation process used in the water treatment industry . 第二种处理方法是水处理工业中应用的传统凝聚法的典型。