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发布时间:2020-12-03 作者: 英语查

coelacanth 是什么意思


fish thought to have been extinct since the Cretaceous period but found in 1938 off the coast of Africa
同义词:Latimeria chalumnae,


1.Was one of the founding students . he was born in osaka in 1958

2.When him and his friends started joint activities as " coelacanth . " already in 1987 , his first project " himuro apartment " was completed in osaka

3.Cat , c a tokyo was originally established as " coelacanth " in 1986 . at the launch were five students studying in hiroshi hara lab . , at the university of tokyo
Cat , ( c + a tokyo )在一九八六年草创时原名coelacanth ,为当时在东京大学原广司研究室的五位学生起意创立。

4.Was born in tokyo in 1968 . after graduated from japan women s university in 1990 , she became a member of coelacanth . she became partner of the company in 2002

5.He was graduated from kyotouniversity in 1982 , and received his master degree from the university of tokyo in 1984 . it was when he was doing his phd . ,

6.Cryptozoologists are especially proud of the catch in 1938 of a coelacanth , an archaic - looking species of fish that had been thought to have gone extinct in the cretaceous
令未知生物学家尤其骄傲的是1938年捕捉到的腔棘鱼, ?是一种样貌古老的鱼类,原先认为在白垩纪便已灭绝。

7." the fishermen informed us they had caught this strange fish and we quickly rushed to find it was a coelacanth , " he said , adding that it weighed 27 kg and was 1 . 34 meters long
渔夫通知我们捕到这只怪鱼,我们快速赶抵,发现是只腔棘鱼,他说,并指出该鱼重27公斤,体长1 . 34米。

8.The coelacanth , known from fossil records dating back more than 360 million years , was believed to have become extinct some 80 million years ago until one was caught off the eastern coast of south africa in 1938
从距今逾3亿6000万年前的化石而为人所知的腔棘鱼, 1938年在南非东海岸捕捞到一只腔棘鱼之前,一直被认为已在8000万年前灭绝。

9.None has since been caught in south african waters , but around 30 have been caught in recent years off tanzania , possibly because diminishing shallow - water resources have forced fishermen to cast their nets in the deeper waters where coelacanths live

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