| 1. | Our political system can work only through a set of delicate understandings sustained by the confidence in each other of coequal branches of government . 而只有在政府各部门互相信任,从而建立起种种微妙的谅解时,我们的政治制度才能行之有效。
| 2. | Both sides should bear coequal responsibility , ought to call the police solve 双方应负同等责任,应当报警解决。
| 3. | Or is the undergraduate course graduate with average college coequal treat 还是以普通高校的本科毕业生同等对待?
| 4. | Classics partner agrees with cession equity , below coequal condition , other shareholder has preferential buy right 经股东同意转让的股权,在同等条件下,其他股东有优先购买权。
| 5. | Complete answer is as follows : the capital stock of rural commercial bank differentiates to wait for frontal share , with coequal , with with benefit 完整回答如下:农村商业银行的股本划分为等额股份,同股同权,同股同利。
| 6. | Make a turn want to notice branch distributings every time even , maintain in coequal height , make form of whole individual plant plump and beautiful 每次作弯都要注重枝条分布均匀,并保持在同等高度,使整个株形丰满美观。
| 7. | With the coequal critical error , we could decrease cracks almost without increasing rendering cost by using surface rectification gene to improve substituted surface ' s locality 我们通过平面矫正因子改善替代平面的位置,在同等临界误差下,几乎不增加绘制代价,缝隙明显地缩小。
| 8. | Additional , company other shareholder has preferential buy right , leave a company in coequal condition namely other shareholder is ok and first the equity that buys you with same price 另外,公司其他股东有优先购买权,即在同等条件下公司其他股东可以优先以相同的价格购买你的股权。
| 9. | The school that i enter oneself for an examination asks examinee of coequal educational level needs to be in enter oneself for an examination a paper has been published on books and periodicals of this professional core domain , what meaning be 我所报考的学校要求同等学力考生需在报考该专业核心领域书刊上发表过一片论文,是什么意思呢?
| 10. | When carrying out a program compulsively what law of according to of court of the 73rd people sets to transfer the equity of partner , ought to inform company and collectivity of partner , other shareholder has below coequal condition preferential buy right 第七十三条人民法院依照法律规定的强制执行程序转让股东的股权时,应当通知公司及全体股东,其他股东在同等条件下有优先购买权。