| 1. | The boy was coerced into learning to dance . 那男孩被强制去跳舞。
| 2. | I assured him that we had no intention of coercing israel in response to a soviet threat . 我向他保证,我们无意强迫以色列对苏联的威胁做出反映。
| 3. | They had announced that they would oppose any attempts of the federal government to coerce the states . 他们宣布他们将反对联邦政府压迫各州的任何企图。
| 4. | For young women they have coerced or drugged 为那些他们抓来的或者灌了药的女孩
| 5. | . . . for young women they have coerced or drugged . . 为那些他们抓来的或者灌了药的女孩
| 6. | Coerces the target to perform an action 强制目标行动(似乎和媚惑不一样- - ?
| 7. | Coerced to the type of the variable if necessary (必要时强迫转换为此变量的类型) 。
| 8. | Is an integer that is coerced to a string by 的结果是一个整数,通过
| 9. | Coerce syndrome and uncertain recognition 强迫症与不确定性认知
| 10. | Coerced to byte , if the value of this instance is non - zero ; otherwise , 如果此实例的值不是零,则为