中文翻译与英英解释 | adj. 同时代[年代、时期、年龄]的 (with)。 n. 同时代的人,同年代的人[东西]。
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| a person of nearly the same age as another 同义词:contemporary,
| of the same period 同义词:coetaneous, contemporaneous,
Coeval is a term used in anthropology to refer to the attribute of being both contemporary and simultaneous or synchronous; while "simultaneous" or "synchronous" means "taking place at the same time" and "contemporary" means "being of the same era," the term "coeval" refers to both attributes.Marlene Van Niekirk, "Understanding Trends in 'African Thinking' - A Critical Discussion," in P. |
例句与用法 | 1. | Analysis has proved that this document is coeval with that one 这份文件经分析证明与那一份是同一个时代的。
| | 2. | To bring campus typ ical examples into play , the typical examples are personalization of campus spirit , letting surrounding people educate surrounding people , coeval educate coeval 要发挥校园典范的榜样作用,校园典范是校园精神的人格化,用身边人教育身边人,同龄人教育同龄人。
| | 3. | Paleogeographic data suggest the first occurrence of the taihangshan gravity lineament was initially formed during the early cretaceous , which is coeval with the peak of mesozoic magmatism in this region 岩相古地理分析说明太行山重力梯度带的雏形形成于早白垩世,与华北中生代岩浆活动的高峰相吻合。
| | 4. | In the matter of fact , the theory of fault not only reflects the basis of related criminal liability and the theory of criminal law . its formation and development has a close relation with its coeval historical background and cultural source 事实上,罪过理论不仅集中反映了相关的刑事责任根据理论和刑法学说,而其之形成与沿革,更与其同时代的历史背景和思想文化渊源有着不可分割的脐带联系。
| | 5. | Secondly , to consummate the theory of fault to lay a more solid foundation , the article carried a comprehensive and thorough excavation on the coeval historical condition and cultural sources of each theory of fault lack of feelings . third , the article explained that because the theory development and the practice need , taking feelings into the theory of fault is urgency and necessity . at last , the article analyzed the contemporary scholar of criminal law failure in taking feelings into theory of fault , and had pointed out the road bring feelings into theory of fault 本文首先通过三个层次的分析,表明了传统罪过理论的不足之处,以及情感因素在传统罪过理论分析中的尴尬处境;并对各个历史形态的罪过理论的形成及其情感因素缺失的历史条件和思想文化渊源进行了比较全面和深入的挖掘,以探源把脉,以能为进一步完善罪过理论奠定一个比较坚实的认识基础;然后,说明了由于理论的发展和实践的需要,罪过理论中纳入情感因素的迫切性和必要性;最后,文章具体分析了当代刑法学者为将情感因素纳入罪过理论所做努力之所以失败的原因,进而提出了笔者自己对这一理论问题的解决方案。