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发布时间:2020-12-03 作者: 英语查

coexistent 是什么意思


existing at the same time


1.Coronary heart disease ( chd ) and depression are always coexistent and affect each other

2.( 2 ) a sduty internal coexistent relationship has existed between fdi and gdp of the whole nation , the elasticity of fdi to gdp is 0 . 6
二是全国fdi与gdp之间存在看比较稳定的内在依存关系, fdi对gdp的弹性为0

3.Combination types of coexistent multiple energy resources in the ordos basin and an analysis of the upper paleozoic sedimentation control mechanism

4.Has the long - term management and the development desire and the confidence , accepts the company the strict management , with company coexistent co - prosperity

5.All in all , opportunity and challenge is coexistent . chinese accounting profession will have a bright perspective if we have a pioneering and innovative spirit

6.Prior reports of hormonal abnormalities in men with chronic pain , the researchers suggest , may have resulted from the confounding effects of comorbid illness such as depression or inflammatory disease or coexistent medication use

7.In addition , international accounting firms " entry into china and the open of accounting profession will also enhance the cooperation and contact between foreign and domestic accounting firms . all in all , opportunity and challenge is coexistent

8.Results showed that spatial constitution form of the fillers had important effect on the oil removal efficiency of coalescence ; and that as the collision coalescence mechanism and the wetting coalescence mechanism were coexistent and the efficiency of coalescence was enhanced remarkably

9.Reasons for coexistent phenomenon of multi - ethnic groups in yunnan lie in the unique geographic environment and the policy of local ethnical autonomy adopted by central dynasties of past ages according to the environment and the situations of social and economic development of ethnic groups

10.The westernization movement office - holder ' s thought - " chinese learning as fundamental structure , western learning for practical use " , and yung wing ' s thought - " total westernization " were the two coexistent guiding ideas running through the process of chinese children studying in the u . s . a . they formed an incisive ideological and cultural proposition in modem china as well
贯穿于整个留学过程中的两条不同的思想路线? ?洋务派的“中体西用”和容闳的“全盘西化”又是中国近代历史上深刻的思想文化命题,从而昭示出近代社会发展的深刻哲理。

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