| 1. | Could you stop at the coffeehouse and get me a muffin 经过咖啡店时能帮我买块松饼吗?
| 2. | Where there has been coffee , there has been the coffeehouse 哪里有咖啡,哪里就有咖啡屋。
| 3. | And walked into one such coffeehouse one night and there - 一天晚上,我走进这样一家咖啡馆,
| 4. | . . . and walked into one such coffeehouse one night and there - - 一天晚上,我走进这样一家咖啡馆,
| 5. | His one claim to fame is being known by first name at nearly every coffeehouse in town 他的名字已经传遍了小镇里的每一个咖啡馆。
| 6. | It has a long and rich history . you think of coffeehouses all over the world 咖啡有着悠久而丰富的历史,咖啡馆如今风靡了整个世界。
| 7. | Ice cream remained a treat for the elite until around 1670 , when the masses were finally allowed to sample the delicacy in paris ' s first coffeehouses 吃冰淇淋一直是王公贵族独享的权利,直到一六七年,普通大众才得以在巴黎最早的咖啡馆尝到这种人间美味。
| 8. | From the inception of the coffeehouse in mecca to the present , customers in caf s tend to talk and read rather than dance , play chess rather than gamble , and listen contemplatively to music rather than sing 无论是早先麦加的咖啡馆,还是现今的咖啡屋,消费者都更愿意在其中阅读、聊天,而非跳舞;更愿意下棋,而非赌博;更愿意安静地听音乐,而非唱歌。
| 9. | As a matter of fact , aside from the romanticists , who temporarily switched to plein - air , it is hard to find too many european or american intellectuals of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries who did not spend the better part of their days in caf s or coffeehouses 事实上,在整个18 、 19世纪,除了露天派印象主义画家这种浪漫主义者不常在咖啡馆里以外,欧洲或美国的知识分子都会把一天中最美好的时光泡在咖啡馆中。
| 10. | From the 15th century middle eastern establishments where men gathered to listen to music , play chess , and hear recitations from works of literature , to paris ' cafe le procope where luminaries of the french enlightenment such as voltaire , rousseau , and diderot came to enjoy a hot cup of joe , coffeehouses have traditionally served as centers of social interaction , places where people can come to relax , chat , and exchange ideas 从15世纪人们聚集在一起听歌、下棋、讲述文学作品的中东地区,到法国启蒙运动中的文化名人聚集的巴黎普洛各普咖啡馆,比如伏尔泰、卢梭、狄德罗就曾经来这里品尝热咖啡,咖啡馆自古以来就是一个供人们休息、聊天、交流思想和进行社会交往的中心。