例句与用法 | 1. | Chap in the mortuary , coffin or coffey , corpusnomine 棺材或者科菲251 ,因尸体之名。
| | 2. | Father coffey yawns , then chants with a hoarse croak 他用两个手指再一次重复空五度396的音程。
| | 3. | Father coffey yawns , then chants with a hoarse croak . namine 打个呵欠,用阴郁的嗄声吟诵呐咪内。
| | 4. | John coffey : for what , boss 约翰:因为什么,头?
| | 5. | High sheriff , coffey , the butcher , right to venisons of the forest from his ex 235屠夫科菲从名誉郡长那里获得猎取森林中鹿类的权利。
| | 6. | Lt . coffey : we don ' t need them . we can ' t trust them . we may have to take steps . we ' re gonna have to take steps 科菲上尉:我们不需要他们。我们不能相信他们。我们也许会采取行动。我们将要采取行动。
| | 7. | Beside him stands father coffey , chaplain , toad bellied , wrynecked , in a surplice and bandanna nightcap , holding sleepily a staff of twisted poppies 斯蒂芬站在自动钢琴旁边,琴上胡乱丢着他的帽子和?木手杖。
| | 8. | Lindsey brigman : we all see what we want to see . coffey looks and he sees russians . he sees hate and fear . you have to look with better eyes than that 林德莎?布里格曼我们都在看我们希望看到的东西。科菲看了看,他看见了阿国人。他看见了仇恨与恐惧。你最好是换一双更好的眼睛来看待那事。
| | 9. | The portly figure of john o connell , caretaker stands forth , holding a bunch of keys tied with crape . beside him stands father coffey , chaplain , toad bellied , wrynecked , in a surplice and bandanna nightcap , holding sleepily a staff of twisted poppies 站在他身边的是教诲师科菲神父180 ,肚子鼓得像只癞蛤馍,歪脖儿,身穿白色法衣,头戴印花布夜帽,昏昏欲睡地拄着一根用罂粟编成的手杖。
| | 10. | Miacles happen in unexpected places , even in the death - row cellblock at cold mountain penitentiary , there john coffey , a gentle giant of a prisoner with supernatural powers , brings a sense of spirit and humanity to his guards and fellow inmates . tom hanks leads a stellar ensemble including michael clarke duncan as coffey in this emotional , uplifting story of guards and captives ; husbands and wives ; prisoners and a remarkable mouse named mr . jingles ; and , on another level , of a moviemaker and his source . that filmmaker is frank darabont , who returns after his 1994 directorial debut the shawshank redemption to adapt another tale by stephen king into a stirring , crow - pleasing entertainment nominated for 4 academy awards , including best picture 绿里奇迹是发生在1935年美国不景气年代的路易斯安那州监狱,汤汉演的狱长保罗,已不知道送过多少个死囚走过这段路,但当他押著身高六尺五寸的黑人哥菲上电椅时,却有莫名的悲痛,哥菲被控虐杀两个十几岁的白人姐妹,但看似凶残暴戾的黑人大只佬,却是心地善良,胸无城府的大好人,而且他有神奇力量,用手一摸就能治疗绝症,通过心灵感应,保罗看到了真正的杀人凶手,但他却无力为哥菲翻案,因而难以释怀