| 1. | Bill hewlett, the cofounder of that company and a likable genius, was a member of the chrysler board . 该公司的另一位创办者,一位和蔼可亲的人物--比尔休利特,也是克莱斯勒董事会的董事。
| 2. | Takeo fujisawa, cofounder of honda motor company, once observed that "japanese and american management is 95 percent the same and differs in all important respects. " 本田汽车公司的创建人之一藤泽武夫曾经评论说:“日本的管理和美国的管理95是相同的,而所有重要的方面都不同。”
| 3. | . . . cofounder of the company and designer of the ns - 5 他是公司的创始人之一也是ns5的设计者
| 4. | Cofounder of the company and designer of the ns - 5 博士是该公司的共同创办人也是ns - 5的设计者
| 5. | Weii , my father was the bishop and the cofounder of new reveiations 他是"启示"的主教和创办人之一
| 6. | Rafael luque is chief technology officer and cofounder of orange soft 公司的首席技术官和合作创办人。
| 7. | In addition to writing , todd is cofounder and chief architect of pointfire , inc . contact todd at 除了写文章之外, todd还是pointfire , inc .的创始人之一和首席设计师。
| 8. | Bill hewlett , the cofounder of that company and a likable genius , was a member of the chrysler board 该公司的另一位创办者,一位和蔼可亲的人物- -比尔?休利特,也是克莱斯勒董事会的董事。
| 9. | Bill hewlett , the cofounder of that company and a likable genius , was a member of the chrysler board 该公司的另一位创办者,一位和蔼可亲的人物- -比尔休利特,也是克莱斯勒董事会的董事。
| 10. | Bartels is also a cofounder and managing director of business information industry association asia pacific middle east ( biia ) 巴特尔也是亚太-中东地区商业信息产业协会( biia )的创始人之一和常务董事。