| 1. | I organized a bottle of cognac ! 我弄到了一瓶法国白兰地!
| 2. | He drew some cognac from the cask into a tin cannikin 他从酒桶里倒了些白兰地。
| 3. | After sipping his cognac to the end , he added 他喝完了干邑酒,又说:
| 4. | Both ladies took lumps of sugar dipped in cognac and sucked them 她俩把方糖蘸过咖啡后放进嘴里吃。
| 5. | We ' re going to need lots of cognac . the best , hennessy 我们需要大量的cognac白兰地要最好的,轩尼诗
| 6. | And you ' ve got to cut down on the cognac 酒你也得少喝了
| 7. | Why are you two looking so miserable ? trois cognacs 为什么你们两个看起来那么伤感?三杯cognacs (法国产白兰地酒)
| 8. | War of the league of cognac 科尼亚克同盟战争
| 9. | She said , however , that the cognac was flattered , and took up her knitting 不过她仍然说那是过奖了,然后又打起毛线来。
| 10. | Cognac oil , natural 天然康乃克油