| 1. | Our soul possesses two cognitive powers . 我们的灵魂具有两种认知力量。
| 2. | Cognitive consonance is a consistency between the knowledge, ideas and beliefs . 认识一致是知识、思想和信念之间的一致。
| 3. | Cognitive consonance is a consistency between the knowledge, ideals and beliefs . 认识一致是知识、思想和信念之间的一致。
| 4. | Theories in cognitive psychology are attempts to summarize large sets of data . 认知心理学的各种理论都是试图概括大套的资料。
| 5. | Empathy has been conceived as being a cognitive process or an emotional cognitive one . 移情被认为是一种认知过程或一种情绪认知过程。
| 6. | No doubt much important cognitive material must be assimilated by the manager-to-be . 毫无疑问,未来的管理者必须吸收许多重要的认识性材料。
| 7. | The cognitive psychologist is like the tinker who wants to know how a clock works . 认知心理学者倒很像一个需要通晓钟表如何运转的钟表修理匠。
| 8. | Cognitive dissonance is also applied to a perceived incongruity between a person's attitudes and his behaviour . 认识分歧也用于指一个人的态度和他的行为之间可以看得出来的不一致。
| 9. | For the cumulative impact of sensory cognitive or decisional overstimulation, creates sickness in our midst . 因为在感觉,知觉和抉择上日积月累的超刺激的冲击已经在我们中间酿成了疾病。
| 10. | Intelligence was considered to be an innate general cognitive ability underlying all processes of complex reasoning . 智力被认为是一种天生固有的总认识能力,它构成一切复杂推理过程的基础。