| 1. | The king had cognizance of plots against him . 国王觉察到了反判他的阴谋。
| 2. | We do not take cognizance of these forces . 我们不了解这些力。
| 3. | I have taken cognizance of the view . 我已注意到了这种观点。
| 4. | During my travels, as a matter of recreation, i've taken cognizance of some women . 我在游历期间,为了消遣,便对某些女人的性格作了一番研究。
| 5. | Electronic signature quote and responsibility cognizance 电子签名举证与责任推定
| 6. | On the cognizance of the unfinishedness of an abettor 论教唆犯未完成形态的认定
| 7. | Cognizance and disposal of the crimes concerning gambling 赌博关联犯罪的认定与处理
| 8. | High - new technology corporation cognizance certificate 高新技术企业认定证书
| 9. | Cognizance , induction and intuition : an interpretation of induction 归纳法的一种解读
| 10. | Cognizance of credit - card swindle by baleful overdraft 恶意透支构成信用卡诈骗罪的认定