| 1. | Review of cohabitation regulations and countermeasures 同居规定之检讨及对策研究
| 2. | The research legislatively on non - marriage cohabitation 非婚同居关系的立法探索
| 3. | On the legislative regulation of unmarried cohabitation 论非婚同居的立法规制
| 4. | On the validity of cohabitation liability in marriage 论配偶间同居义务的效力
| 5. | On legal issues about the cohabitation relationship 同居关系法律问题研究
| 6. | How far can prenuptial cohabitation go 上海大学生婚前同居观念的一项调查
| 7. | Cohabitation without legal marriage 非法同居没有合法婚姻关系的同居
| 8. | The obligation of cohabitation of spouses 夫妻间的同居义务
| 9. | Sociological analysis of juveniles ' sub - culture of cohabitation on internet 青少年网络同居亚文化的社会学分析
| 10. | Mainland handle the common property according to the rules of illegal cohabitation 关于丧备姻无效时财产的处置。