| 1. | Ultimately the roy cohen suit was settled out of court . 罗伊科恩的讼案,最后是在法庭外解决的。
| 2. | World wrap your head around the new seth cohen 老天会让你认识到全新的sethcohen
| 3. | Cohen learned how to use the grill this summer Cohen这个夏天知道怎么用女朋友了
| 4. | Dr . cohen called . there ' s nothing wrong with you 科恩医生来电话了你没什么问题
| 5. | Yes , we can . come on , cohen . this is awesome 我们可以的,拜托, cohen这太棒了
| 6. | A cohen bagged himself some asian action . hmm 一个cohen充满了亚洲的气息嗯. .
| 7. | The nobel prize in physics 1997 : cohen - tannoudji 诺贝尔物理学奖-克劳德科昂塔努吉
| 8. | I ' m vibrating at an extremely cohenless frequency 我完全震荡在没有cohen的频率上
| 9. | This is my business partner , kirsten cohen 这是我的生意合作伙伴kirsten cohen
| 10. | Maybe sandy cohen should be our action hero 也许sandy cohen就是我们的动作片英雄