| 1. | It is the most definitie study yet of the effects of black cohosh 这是关于黑升麻作用最有权威性的研究。
| 2. | Black cohosh p . e 黑升麻提取物
| 3. | Black cohosh will assist humans in supporting the greater good of the whole in attempting to build community with one another 黑升麻将协助人们在试图彼此联合起来创建设区之时支持整体的更大益处。
| 4. | Black cohosh , a perennial herb member of the buttercup family , is the most widely used herbal remedy for hot flashes 黑升麻,毛莨属植物家族中的多年生草本植物成员,是治疗热潮红的最常用草本植物。
| 5. | The frequency and seerity of symptoms declined by about 30 percent oer 12 months regardless of whether women were taking black cohosh or placebo 的妇女在超过12个月之后频繁和严重的症状都会减少,无论是否使用黑升麻或安慰剂。
| 6. | Traditional herbalists will often combine blue cohosh and black cohosh to effect a more balanced treatment for nerves , and to enhance the herbs antispasmodic effects 传统的草本疗师常用黑升麻和蓝升麻来治疗神经系统毛病和作止痉挛之用。
| 7. | Artistry pure white essence has been formulated with black cohosh extract , asparagus extracts , vitamin c derivatives and a patented whitening complex that work together to fully inhibit melanin formation and reduce freckles 雅姿美白精华液含有专利美白复合成份及三种专利美白成份,包括北美升麻、芦荀精华及维他命c衍生物等,能有效抑制黑色素的形成,兼且减退色斑,给肌肤彻底的美白保护。
| 8. | The herbal alternaties for menopause trial ( halt ) , was a one - year , double - blind , randomized , controlled trial comparing the effects of three formulations of black cohosh with hormone therapy and placebo for relief of hot flashes and night sweats 选择性本草植物治疗更年期试验( halt ) ,是一项长达一年的,双盲的,随机对照的试验,比较黑升麻、激素和安慰剂3种方式对热潮红和盗汗的缓解作用。
| 9. | Upon a biological level , black cohosh assists with all parts of the form sustaining their particular function in contribution to the whole , plus the orchestration of the whole into a symbiotic set of relationships that sustain the life and health and well being of the ascending form 在一个生物性水平上,黑升麻协助身体的所有部位维系它们特定的功能以贡献给整体,并将整体编排到彼此共生的关系中,维系提升形体的生命与健康。
| 10. | The study , " treatment of asomotor symptoms of menopause with black cohosh , multibotanicals , soy , hormone therapy , or placebo , " and an accompanying editorial , " a randomized trial of alternatie medicines for asomotor symptoms of menopause , " is published in the dec . 19 , 2006 , issue of annals of internal medicine 该项研究, “更年期血管舒缩症状的治疗,使用黑升麻、多草本药物、黄豆、激素治疗或安慰剂, ”和一篇伴随的社论, “ “一项更年期血管舒缩症状替代治疗的随机试验, ”刊登在2006年12月19日的“国际医学年刊”上。