中文翻译与英英解释 | adj. (与…)一致[符合]的,(与…)暗合[巧合]的;同时发生的。 coincident indicator 【经济学】(与经济状况直接相关的)相关指数[指示物]。 n. 【经济学】=coincident indicator. adv. -ly
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| matching point for point; "coincident circles"
| | occurring or operating at the same time; "a series of coincident events" 同义词:coincidental, coinciding, concurrent, co-occurrent, cooccurring, simultaneous,
In geometry, two vectors can be said to be coincident when they point in the same direction, regardless of their magnitudes. In other words, they lie upon each other. |
例句与用法 | 1. | Any outgoing ray path must be coincident with that of the returning ray . 任何出发的射线与返回的射线路径完全相同。
| | 2. | The disease and coincident dissemination of virus may occur to produce an epidemic . 本病及同时传播着的病毒即可引起一次流行。
| | 3. | The time at which the two reductive divisions occur is not necessarily coincident to the time of ovulation . 两次减数分裂的时间不一定与排卵时间相一致。
| | 4. | The culture areas are essentially coincident with language areas 文化区与语言区基本重合
| | 5. | John : what a coincident ! we were born at the same day 约翰:真巧!我们竟在同一天出生。
| | 6. | The culture areas are essentially coincident with language areas 文化区与语言区基本重合。
| | 7. | Theoretical results and experimental results are basically coincident 经过比较,理论结果和实验结果基本一致。
| | 8. | How could it be so coincident 怎么那么巧啊
| | 9. | Coincident demand power 同时最大需用功率
| | 10. | Hey ! what a coincident 哎呀,太精彩了。