| 1. | All men, she suspected, not only col pardoe, hated the pill as being unnatural . 她怀疑,不但科尔,而且所有男人都憎恨那药丸,认为那不近人情。
| 2. | West col dam of high island reservoir - remedial works 万宜水库西面副坝修葺工程
| 3. | Application of japan m - col system to improve floatation result 系统提高浮选效果
| 4. | Only wooden doorsills can col iect people ' s ch ' i 只有木头门槛才能吸收人的气
| 5. | Notify me of updates to 105 fusilli col buco 阿布素牌105长弹弓粉更新时通知我
| 6. | Hangzhou hongda decorative weaving cloth col . , ltd 杭州宏达装饰布织造有限公司
| 7. | Col . grangerford was a gentleman , you see 你知道,格伦基福特上校是位绅士。
| 8. | No , col ! there are a few babes in america , i grant you , 不,科林,美国没有多少好女孩
| 9. | Who told you to do it ? ! - col . sadick -谁叫你这么做的? ! -思迪克上校
| 10. | I ' m lee seon - hee , her col league at school 我叫李善喜,是她的同事