| 1. | Commendatory : black tourmalines of craft 推介产品:晶体电气石
| 2. | Commendatory : the plant of mica 推介产品:云母大片
| 3. | Is kiasu a commendatory epithet , or a derogatory one after much deliberation , i have decided to label it as neutral “怕输”这个词是褒义还是贬义,笔者反复的思考,最后认为还是用中性词来形容它较为恰当。
| 4. | The second 100 selling elite commendatory meeting of china pacific insurance company was held in golden bay conference hall on august 28 , 2003 2003年8月28日太平洋产险第二届百名销售精英表彰大会精英论坛会在金海湾厅举行。
| 5. | Li is utterly wrong since he isolates the " botu " from its context when he tries to prove it is commendatory in remark on lisao by arguing it is so in zhiyin ( friendship ) 刘勰在对《楚辞》的总体定位以及对《楚辞》作品的具体评价方面都存在深刻的矛盾,这是不可回避的。
| 6. | Li jinkun holds in " a correct interpretation of botu ( gambler ) and siyi ( four differences ) in remark on lisao " that the " botu " and the " siyi " are commendatory words 摘要李金坤先生在《文学遗产》发表《辨骚篇“博徒” “四异”正诠》 ,认为《辨骚篇》中的“博徒”与“四异” ,是刘勰由衷钦敬的褒美之词。
| 7. | The meeting of 5th anniversary celebration and summarizing commendatory employee of weihai lianqiao international economic technical coop . co . , ltd . was held in international conference center of our hotel on jan . 10 , 2003 2003年1月10日联桥国际公司成立五周年庆典暨2002年度总结表彰大会在我店国际会议中心举行。
| 8. | The former refers to the normal use , including the enlargement in the scope and improvement in the frequency of some words as well ; the latter is just on the contrary , mainly showing as the narrowing of the scope and the reducing of the frequency , and quite a few of commendatory words trend derogatory 前者是指正常的使用,也包括某些词语使用范围的扩大和使用频率的提高;后者正好相反,主要表现为使用范围的缩小和频率的降低,另外还有相当一部分词语由褒趋贬。
| 9. | The commendatory and textual research in chinese traditional academic research and western hermerneutik are the different disciplinary and literature research techniques which have been produced in different cultural systems and historical contexts , which pay more attention to the text explanation and the establishment independent theoretical system 摘要中国传统学术研究中的考据与评注之学与西方阐释学是产生于不同文化体系与历史语境中的文学研究方法与学科,两者都关注文本的解释,并且都建立了独立的注解与阐释理论体系。
| 10. | Simultaneously , combine with his own work experience , the author gets an advanced detail and general design steps . and then illustrates an actual engineering which is designed with the article ’ s recommendatory method and steps . by combining with the test results , it is proved that the ground treatment result obtains the design requirement and the commendatory method is right , which is able to provide reference value to the engineering 本文首先对加筋土的研究现状做了详细的介绍和分析,在此基础之上,对加筋土地基设计方法做了一定的研究,对地基承载力力设计方法做了对比分析,选择极限分析法作为本文的推荐方法,并结合作者自身的工作经验,提出了加筋土地基详细和全面的设计步骤,然后用一个加筋土地基实际工程为例,采用本文推荐的设计方法和步骤进行设计,并通过现场试验结果,证明该地基处理达到设计要求,也证明了推荐方法计算的准确性,这对广大工程师在实际工程操作中有较高的参考价值。