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发布时间:2021-01-25 作者: 英语查

confirmative 是什么意思


serving to support or corroborate; "collateral evidence"
同义词:collateral, confirming, confirmatory, corroborative, corroboratory, substantiating, substantiative, validating, validatory, verificatory, verifying,


1.A confirmative research on social support and sars stress

2.We can see how to get the greatest income return rate in confirmative var , or to minimum var in a given income return rate
竹r “的上标r表示基于收益率, ( 1一3 )式表明r期收益率小于加r “的卜一不大一于a 。

3.Through the empirical study , which includes two samples : the exploratory sample ( n = 240 ) and the confirmative sample ( n = 288 ) , this repurchase intention model has been basically validated
在实证分析中,通过学生样本( n = 240 )和社会样本( n = 288 )两次研究的对比和综合,采用结构方程建模的方法,检验了本文的假设。

4.When an organization representative receive the loan , it should be inspected instantly . a confirmative signature for good - conditioned loan is required . the same applies after inspection by our library staff upon return

5.Based on the analysis of the current problems of library resource sharing , the paper points out that market mechanism is the reasonable and confirmative driving force , and puts forward the new library resource sharing pattern leaded by market mechanism

6.Securities legislation is also accord with the common mechanism of securities legislation , while it has it ’ s peculiarities , that is , that the sub - domains of securities market seems to be increased endlessly , which makes the securities market become complex and volatility . to cope with this kind of complex and volatility , securities lawmaking is disparted three lays . the government make laws to build up the macroscopical confirmative degree and efficient social press of securities lex , supervisors make codes to improve middle confirmative degree and efficient social press of securities lex , self - discipline organizations set down rules to strengthen microcosmical confirmative degree of securities lex

7.By using questionnaire and explorative factor analysis and confirmative factor analysis , the researcher finds that chinese preschool children ' s personality structure includes four dimensions and eleven traits , which in some sort is different from that of children in west countries

8.Modest loneliness may motivate one ' s activities and thus play a positive role , d ) a questionnaire of the loneliness structure of college students in henan province has been developed in this study and it proves to have high reliability and validity by means of exploratory factor analysis and confirmative factor analysis . implications for future research are discussed
这与西方学者仅将大学生作为成人被试来研究成人孤独感(不考虑发展)的视角不同,可以说在成人孤独感的研究中吸收了西方学者关于儿童青少年孤独感的研究优点(关注发展问题) ,而这更符合我国大学生发展的实际情况。

9.They were technology paradigm shifting from analog signals to digital signals in xihu electronic co . and the shifting from dynamic frequency to fixed frequency of air condition manufacturing in haixin co . at last , by the combination of efa ( exploratory factor analysis ) and cfa ( confirmative factor analysis ) method we proposed and approved the interaction among learning , unlearning and innovationess

10.Lawmaking is to aim to enhance all kinds of law ’ s efficiency factors which are confirmative degree and developmental degree and efficient social press . new laws are needed when the law demand which is asked for the variability of insider structure breaks through the intrinsic law supply because a domain ’ s insider structure changes , that is , new sub - domains appear , or intrinsic sub - domains expand or fission or shrink or die away . new laws are also needed if that situation is estimated by legislators in advance
立法旨在提高各子域法的效率因子? ?确定性因子、适应性因子和社会压力的有效性因子;当域的内部结构发生变化,即出现新的子域,或者原有子域壮大、裂变、萎缩抑或消失时,这种域的内部结构的变异性对法律的需求一旦突破了原有的法律供给,或者立法者已于事先估测到这种情形时,新的立法就成了必需。

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