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发布时间:2021-02-18 作者: 英语查
continental 是什么意思 |
中文翻译与英英解释 | adj. 1.大陆的;大陆性的。 2.〔C-〕 欧洲大陆的,〔C-〕〔美国〕(独立战争时)美洲殖民地的。 n. 1.欧洲大陆人。 2.〔美国〕(独立战争中的)美国兵[纸币]。 3.〔C-〕〔美俚〕(起源于英国的)欧洲大陆发式。 短语和例子 do not care a continental 〔美俚〕毫无关系。 not worth a continental 〔美俚〕毫无价值。
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| being or concerning or limited to a continent especially the continents of North America or Europe; "the continental United States"; "continental Europe"; "continental waters"
| | of or relating to or characteristic of a continent; "the continental divide"; "continental drift"
| | of or relating to or concerning the American colonies during and immediately after the American Revolutionary War; "the Continental Army"; "the Continental Congress"
例句与用法 | 1. | How do people define the continental shelf ? 人们怎么确定陆架的范围的?
| | 2. | The continental drama ran its course . 欧洲大陆的形势继续演变着。
| | 3. | The continental masses are being eroded . 大陆板块正在被侵蚀。
| | 4. | The weather in siberia is typically continental . 西伯利亚的气候是典型的大陆性气候。
| | 5. | Modern continental law generally adopts the third solution . 现代大陆法一般采纳第三种意见。
| | 6. | In the continental areas certain tribes would lead . 在大陆地区,某些部落曾居于领先的地位。
| | 7. | Chains of saline lakes are found in places in continental interiors . 在大陆内部的某些地区发现了盐湖系列。
| | 8. | The crests of the rocky mountains are known as the continental divide . 落矶山脉的峰峦有“大陆分水岭”之称。
| | 9. | In the east, they have a dry continental climate with severe winters . 他们东边是干燥的大陆性气候,冬季严寒。
| | 10. | Existing continental triangulation systems also still need to be adjusted . 大陆上的现有三角测量系统还须平差。
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