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发布时间:2021-02-22 作者: 英语查
continuity 是什么意思 |
音标:[ ˌkɔnti'nju(:)iti ] |
中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.连续(性),继续;连结,连合,连锁。 2.【电影】剪辑;分镜头电影剧本;(详细分段的)广播[电视]剧本;广播节目[电视]的情节说明;连环画的故事梗概说明。
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| the property of a continuous and connected period of time 同义词:persistence,
| | a detailed script used in making a film in order to avoid discontinuities from shot to shot
| | uninterrupted connection or union
例句与用法 | 1. | We'll ignore the continuity constrains . 我们往往忽略连续约束条件。
| | 2. | Parallel lines indicates a break in continuity . 平行线表示连续的中断。
| | 3. | He, too, tackled the notions of limit and continuity . 他也抓住了极限和连续性的概念。
| | 4. | There is no continuity between the parts of his book . 他书中的各部分之间没有连贯性。
| | 5. | Denseness is not continuity . 稠密性不是连续性。
| | 6. | Their talk had an appearance of embarrassed continuity . 他们的谈话断断续续,似难以为继。
| | 7. | We need not tell you that continuity of offers is very important . 报盘的连续不断非常重要,自不待言。
| | 8. | This part can be cut out without harming the continuity of the story . 删去这部分不会损害故事的连续性。
| | 9. | The cancellation of this part will not affect the continuity of the story . 删去这部分不会损害故事的连续性。
| | 10. | Phage chromosome is inserted into the continuity of the bacterial chromosome . 噬菌体染色体被插入细菌染色体中。
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