| 1. | The migrated position of the contour can be found . 可以得出等值线的偏移位置。
| 2. | Submarine contours can be more complete and reliable . 这样水下等高线更完整可靠。
| 3. | Contour interval is 10 feet . 等厚线距为10英尺。
| 4. | Note that these contours do not encompass the crack tip . 注意这些围道,都不包含裂信尖端。
| 5. | All three basins are enclosed by the 1900m depth contour . 三个海盆都被1900米的等深线所圈闭。
| 6. | The area representing q1 is indicated by contour shading . 代表Q1的面积由打有阴影的轮廓线标出。
| 7. | There is a close correlation between contour lines and lithology . 等值线的外形和岩性吻合的很好。
| 8. | To pin down the size of an orbital, we take a contour surface . 为束缚住轨道的大小,我们取一等值面。
| 9. | The outline is taken as that of the contour line defining its base . 轮廓由确定它的底部的等值线表示出来。
| 10. | The resulting distortions in the wavefront generate the fringe contours . 波阵面上发生的畸变生成了条纹线。