| 1. | This was contrary to matsuoka's theme . 这是同松冈的主见背道而驰的。
| 2. | This is contrary to actual observation . 这种情况与实际观测恰恰相反。
| 3. | The plane is flying a contrary direction . 飞机向相反的方向飞去。
| 4. | The results were contrary to expectation . 结果与预期的相反。
| 5. | Dreams go by contraries . 梦是相反的(旧时一种圆梦的说法)。
| 6. | It was contrary to every doctrine of her belief . 那是与她的信条格格不入的。
| 7. | I know nothing to the contrary . 我不知道有和这相反的情况。
| 8. | Without contraries is no progression . 没有对立就不能前进。
| 9. | This was contrary to the observation . 这同观测结果相矛盾。
| 10. | This book asserts a contrary theme . 这本书却要唱一唱反调。