| 1. | Convection can be of two types: natural convection and forced convection . 对流可分为两类,即自然对流和强制对流。
| 2. | Convection is the principal agent of heat transfer in the atmosphere and oceans . 对流是大气和海洋中热传输的主要方式。
| 3. | The boundary layer thickness is a function of the convection condition, in the melt . 边界层厚度是溶体中对流条件的函数。
| 4. | Within the rock which forms the highly permeable reservoir convection currents of hot water or steam occur . 在形成高渗透性热储的岩体内,存在水或蒸汽的对流运动。
| 5. | If the temperature gradient becomes too large, then convection will take over the bulk of the energy transport . 如果温度梯变得太大,那么对流将承担能量传输的大部分。
| 6. | In cumulus convection ascent rates of several metres a second give a cooling rate of a few degrees per minute . 在积云中,每秒几米的对流上升速度造成的冷却速率为每分钟几度。
| 7. | At the point c, the star develops a convection zone extending from near the surface deep into the extended envelope . 在C点,星体产生一个对流区,从表面附近向内扩展到广袤的包层。
| 8. | Droplet ignition and extinction in practical combustors are strongly influenced by forced convection and turbulence . 在实际燃烧室中,液滴点火和熄火受到强迫对流和紊流的强烈影响。
| 9. | Measuring systems are affected by other properties such as thermal conductivity and thermal convection of the sample gas . 测量系统还受样品气体的导热性和热对流性之类其他性能的影响。
| 10. | In forced convection the movement of the fluid or gas is caused by an external agent which gives rise to pressure differences . 在强制对流中,液体或气体的运动是产生压力差的某种外营力造成的。