| 1. | He derogated from his ancestors . 他毁坏了祖祖辈辈的名声。
| 2. | Statutes are not to be presumed to derogate from international law . 不能认为制定法贬损国际法。
| 3. | The parties may not derogate from or vary the effect of this article . 各当事人不得减损本条或改变其效力。
| 4. | His shameful behaviour derogated from his reputation 他的可耻行为损害了他的名声。
| 5. | People often derogate what they don ' t understand 人们常诋毁他们不懂的东西。
| 6. | Such conduct will derogate from your reputation 那样的行为有损你的名誉。
| 7. | Such shameful behaviour will certainly derogate from his fame 这种可耻的,行为必然损害他的名誉。
| 8. | But this does not derogate from the need for accountability 但纵使这样,我们仍不能舍弃问责的原则。
| 9. | The king felt that summoning a parliament would derogate from his authority 国王认为召开议会将有损他的权力。
| 10. | The king felt that summoning a parliament would derogate from his authority 那国王认为召开国会将损及他的权威。