| 1. | Desertion from the army is punishable by death . 开小差可处死刑。
| 2. | Is desertion grounds for divorce ? 被配偶遗弃是离婚的理由吗?
| 3. | He could not contemplate anything so desperate as desertion . 紧急关头他怎么也不会想到抛弃朋友不管。
| 4. | Jones grew a little uneasy at the desertion of his surgeon . 琼斯因为外科大夫丢下他不管,感到有些着慌。
| 5. | With the roof caving in, there were an increasing number of desertions . 由于大势已去,逃兵的人数日益增多。
| 6. | His desertion had wounded sensibility far below the surface of her pride . 他对她的疏远挫伤了比自尊心深得多的情感。
| 7. | The desertion of an ally, especially from fear of war, saps the spirit of any army . 抛弃盟国,尤其是害怕战争,就会使任何一支部队的士气被削弱。
| 8. | There all seemed to be silent and desolate; and a feeling of loneliness and desertion came over him to increase the gloom of the moment . 那里一切都是静悄悄的,好象没有一个人,一阵孤独和被抛弃的感觉袭上他的心头。这越发加深了他当时的凄凉心境。
| 9. | I could have you nailed to a cross for desertion 由于你逃跑,我可以将你钉在十字架上
| 10. | His desertion to the enemy was a dishonor to his family 他的投敌行为对他的家庭是耻辱。