| 1. | Joe found himself on the horns of a dilemma . 乔陷入进退两难之境。
| 2. | Darwin's dilemma was solved by it . 这就解决了使达尔文困惑不解的问题。
| 3. | They try to find a way out of their dilemma . 他们试图摆脱困境。
| 4. | Empire brings responsibilities and dilemma . 帝国肩负种种重任,处境为难。
| 5. | Roosevelt found his way out of this dilemma . 罗斯福找到解决这个难题的办法。
| 6. | He never faced his dilemma . 他从不敢正视自己的困难处境。
| 7. | He did not see any way out of his dilemma . 他不知道怎样才跳得出这左右为难的窘境。
| 8. | His answers to his various dilemmas were uncompromising . 他对这种棘手的事毫不妥协。
| 9. | The dilemma was, of course, not confined to america . 这个困难自然并不限于美国一国。
| 10. | Fred felt himself to be in a disgusting dilemma . 弗莱德给弄得束手无策,不知如何是好。