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发布时间:2020-08-07 作者: 英语查
eisenhower 是什么意思 |
中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.艾森豪威尔〔姓氏〕。 2.Dwight Eisenhower 德怀特艾森豪威尔〔1890-1969,美国第34任总统〕。
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例句与用法 | 1. | It was in vain. eisenhower saw through the game . 这是徒劳的,艾森豪威尔看穿了这个把戏。
| | 2. | Eisenhower could cut down considerably on his workload . 艾森豪威尔完全可以大大减轻他的工作负担。
| | 3. | Eisenhower could not afford a massive risk and setback . 艾森豪威尔经受不起一次大规模的冒险和挫败。
| | 4. | Eisenhower had no taste for many of the rituals of politics . 艾森豪威尔对党派斗争中的许多作法不感兴趣。
| | 5. | The polls had fairly consistently shown eisenhower and me ahead . 民意调查始终表明艾森豪威尔和我遥遥领先。
| | 6. | Eisenhower relayed this decision to stalin directly on march 28 . 艾森豪威尔于3月28日直接向斯大林递送了这一决定。
| | 7. | As time went on i came to see that president eisenhower was right . 随着时日的消逝,我逐渐认识到,艾森豪威尔总统是正确的。
| | 8. | This is directly counter to the views of general eisenhower and montgomer . 这直接违反了艾森豪威尔和蒙哥马利两位将军的意见。
| | 9. | The following is a paraphrase of a cable i have today sent to general eisenhower . 以下是我今天发给艾森豪威尔将军一封电报的大意。
| | 10. | The policy of the eisenhower administration lacked both imagination and consistency . 艾森豪威尔政府的政策既缺乏远见,又缺乏一致性。
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