| 1. | You'll have trouble with roger's estate . 罗杰的财产会弄得你很棘手。
| 2. | The estate was fringed with stately elms . 那片地以挺拔的榆树为边界。
| 3. | He settled part of his estate on his son . 他把部分财产转让给儿子了。
| 4. | She had purchased an estate in lublin . 她在卢布林买了一份房产。
| 5. | He owned a large estate in sussex . 他在苏塞克斯郡有一座大庄园。
| 6. | There is the recent boom in real estate . 最近房地产生意很景气。
| 7. | The estate is the birthright of the eldest son . 长子对这份地产有继承权。
| 8. | He ended his tenantry of the estate . 他结束了对该地产的租借。
| 9. | The eldest son inherited the bulk of the estate . 长子继承了遗产的大部分。
| 10. | The estate was made over to the eldest son . 地产已转给长子。