| 1. | Fungal classification is still unsettled . 真菌类分类仍然是未定形的。
| 2. | Fungal infections have assumed increasing importance in burns . 真菌感染在烧伤中占越来越重的地位。
| 3. | Host resistance and fungal virulence parallel each other in the cross . 寄生的抗病性的病原菌的毒力在杂交中是势均力敌的。
| 4. | The exposed wood protected with a wound-dressing compound to prevent fungal infection . 伤口露出的木质应以敷料包裹以防止病菌侵染。
| 5. | Nectarines exhibit different reactions to specific insect attacks and fungal infections than do peaches . 油桃对特定的虫害和病害感染的反应与桃相比有所不同。
| 6. | Thus, the fungal isolate appeared able to influence both the development and form of its host's root system . 因此,真菌分离物似乎能影响其寄主根条的发育和形成。
| 7. | A structure designed to maintain wood in a dry condition is sufficient to ensure freedom from fungal decay . 只要建筑设计能使其处于足够干燥的条件下,即可确保它们不致腐朽。
| 8. | This is a fungal granuloma produced by aspergillus 曲霉菌引起的真菌性肉芽肿。
| 9. | The fungal biomass consists of hyphal and spore biomass 月,纤维素的总分解率仅为
| 10. | Plant and fungal biotechnology oct - dec 2002 植物及真菌生物科技2002年10月至12月