| 1. | A plug of glass wool held in the neck of a polyethylene funnel . 玻璃棉塞支承着聚乙烯漏斗的颈部。
| 2. | The train appeared, smoke billowing from the funnel of the engine . 火车开来了,车头的烟囱里冒出滚滚浓烟。
| 3. | The simplest type of rain sampler is essentially a funnel and bottle . 最简单的雨水采样器,实质上是一个漏斗和瓶子。
| 4. | She was intended to have a double island superstructure, with a funnel in each, as well as a tripod mast . 她原拟装两个岛式上层建筑,每个上层建筑有一个烟囱和三脚桅。
| 5. | Use a filter funnel and paper to filter the mixture of copper sulphate, sand and water into a second jar . 用过滤漏斗和过滤纸把硫酸铜、砂子和水的混合物过滤到另一个广口瓶里。
| 6. | My conclusion is that the first goal must be to establish a bridgehead through which men and supplies can be funneled at speed . 我的结论是,首先需要建立一个便于迅速运送部队和给养的桥头堡。
| 7. | He funneled his energy into his research projects 他把精力灌注于他的研究计画。
| 8. | Flow funnels for half - pipe coil jackets for vessels 容器的半盘管套用的流量漏斗
| 9. | An engine emits smoke from its funnel into the air 机车通过烟囱把烟排入空气里。
| 10. | He poured the petrol into the car through a funnel 他用一个漏斗把汽油灌进汽车。