中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 〔美俚〕 1.傻瓜,糊涂虫。 2.大错,疏忽。 vi. 1.出大错。 2.闲荡,混日子 (off)。 vt. 弄糟,搞坏(事)。 goof off 浪费时间,工作吊儿郎当。 goof up 把事情弄糟,出大错。
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| a person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior 同义词:clown, buffoon, goofball, merry andrew,
| | a man who is a stupid incompetent fool 同义词:fathead, goofball, bozo, jackass, goose, cuckoo, twat, zany,
| commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake; "I blundered during the job interview" 同义词:drop the ball, sin, blunder, boob,
例句与用法 | 1. | Why don't you just admit you're goofing off ? 偷了懒就偷了赖,还不爽爽快快承认?
| | 2. | Red always goofs off, or thinks of a smart crack instead of working . 雷德不好好干,总是吊儿郎当,要不就想出些俏皮话来挖苦人。
| | 3. | When the secretaries are goofing off, you know the place has dry rot . 不管什么地方,大凡秘书们无事可做了,那就说明快要收摊啦。
| | 4. | Bill was pretty goofed up that night 那天晚上比尔吸毒,弄得昏昏沉沉。
| | 5. | You ' re allowing them to goof off and fall behind 是你让他们变得懒惰并且愚蠢从而拖延进度!
| | 6. | Stop goofing - off and get down to work 别偷懒耍滑头,开始干活儿吧!
| | 7. | A : stop goofing around . get back to work 别再搅和了,回去做事去。
| | 8. | If you , like , goof on me in the sequel , i ' m coming after you 要是你在续集中搞砸了我就跟你没完
| | 9. | He wasn ' t drunk , he was goofing off 他并未喝醉,而是茫然出神。
| | 10. | And then maybe , as a goof , we ' ll make out with them 为了打发时间也许最后我们可以和他们出去约会