| 1. | Only bob's stern command persuaded her to eat fee's gooseberry jam sandwiches 由于鲍勃的严格的命令,她才把妈妈做的果酱三明治吃了。
| 2. | We have strawberry in summer and, a little later, raspberries, gooseberries and plums . 夏天我们吃草莓。再晚些时候吃蔗莓、醋栗和李子。
| 3. | What are you going to do with these gooseberries 拿这些鹅莓干什么呀? ”
| 4. | Where are chinese gooseberries most massively planted 种植中国猕猴桃最多的国家是哪一个?
| 5. | You both going there is ok , i don ' t wanna play gooseberry 你们两个去好了,我不想当电灯泡。
| 6. | The nose shows lifted gooseberry and passionfruit with a slight grassy edge 有醋栗和百香果并有些许草味。
| 7. | She ' s playing old gooseberry with her friend ' s family 她在破坏她朋友的家庭(对她的朋友来说,她是第三者插足) 。
| 8. | The aroma is fresh and clean with well - defined gooseberry - like varietal characters 酒体清新,带着类似鹅肝浆果的香味。
| 9. | Gooseberry modified carbon paste electrode for the determination of ascorbic acid 十八酸修饰碳糊电极的制备及伏安法表征
| 10. | I had no intention to play gooseberry , and declined to go with them 我不想做电灯泡(扮演采醋栗的角色) ,婉拒和他们同行。